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Welcome To Drainage Wiltshire - Home Of Drain Surveys In East Stowell

We are the favourite drain survey service company for thousands of customers in East Stowell Our Reputations As An Authority In Drain Survey Was Developed Through Our Decades Of Service And experience. Drain Surveys Another Drainage Wiltshire Service In East Stowell

We designed our drain survey system to diligently and efficiently search for structural damage, point of entry of rats, and the cause of recurring blockage. We check for structural integrity and aim to find potential problem and prevent them before they become more expensive to handle. Our workers are professionals with both the skill and experience to carry out the job, and we reinforce their resourcefulness with advanced tools. Are You Having Any Difficulty? Contact Us Now To Get It Fixed If you notice your drain no longer flushes like normal, or you have bad smell coming out from them, or your drain is leaking, call us now to do an inspection of your drainage system.

Drainage Wiltshire The Drain Survey Company In East Stowell

3600 Network CCTV Panoramic Camera Built For Speedy And Efficient Drain Survey We pioneered the use of a truly panoramic CCTV in drain inspection in East Stowell. It does this at a speed of 35cm per second, completing the survey in the quickest time possible. It inspects every inch of the drain or sewer and stores the information in its memory.

Our robotic Panoramo scans the sewer on its own, independent of human restriction. The Panoramo is so efficient that it can map and record every detail in just one speedy pass. The data gathered from the scan can be used or further analysed when needed. Panoramo revolutionized CCTV drain survey and we are proud to have pioneered and perfected it in East Stowell.

Introducing Our Highly - Efficient LISY Technology

We use LISY sat cam developed specifically for CCTV inspection of lateral drains and sewers to help us carry a quality drain survey. This technology is one of the reasons why our drain survey is quick and cost - effective. With LISY, we can even survey lateral drains and sewers, without accessing the mainline, or your property LISY can travel up to 100 meter along the main sewer. Our LISY Technology Is So Impressive That Even Water Companies In Charge Of Private Sewers Have Adopted It As Standard.

To save cost and time for customers, Drainage Wiltshire always keeps an eye out for new innovative technology in the industry. LISY CCTV survey always delivers Our Drain Survey Technology Is The Best In East Stowell Drainage Wiltshire has some of the most advanced drain surveillance tools in East Stowell. Our CCTV camera for drain surveillance is state - of - the - art and is remotely controlled to deliver precision.

  • Why We're The Favourite For Thousands Of Customers In East Stowell
  • Our drain survey service assurance to you is straightforward
  • We'll identify all the problem's and potential problem's in your drain
  • And we will implement repairs, once you give us a go - ahead
  • Pin - Point Analysis Using Laser Profiling

Our CCTV units are equipped with profilers for pinpointing deviations of pipes from their original shapes. With this, we are able to gather accurate data about the shape of the sewer or drain. The CCTV and profiler can record other conditions too, such as pipe size, erosion, debris, deformation, holes, or lateral profusion. The Profiler is so powerful it can sense the minutest problem in your sewer or rain.

Proteus CCTV Inspection For Explosion - Risk Environments

We offer a top quality service for drain surveys in East Stowell and our good reputation often means we are contacted to take care of high risk surveys. Special equipment is required for drains with inflammable environments, such as public sewers. That's why we use Proteus, an ATEX - rated camera built specifically for such purpose. And we have the ATEX - rated Proteus camera for that. It doesn't incite sparks, and it can conduct a complete drain inspection in such environments.

Our Innovative And Trusted Company In East Stowell

Pre - Construction Drain Survey Do you need to conduct a party wall drain survey? Call Drainage Wiltshire. If you are considering construction on your home, or building an addition, Drainage Wiltshire can check your drains, and the drains between you and your neighbour before you begin. For many years now, residents in East Stowell have relied on us to carry out quality and detailed survey of their drainage system to ascertain the condition before and after they construct their property. With our focused and in - depth operation methods, we can detect any problem's before or after and help you solve it.

Drainage System Survey For Property Purchase

Drainage Wiltshire can help carry out a detailed drain survey of a property before you buy it. If you don't have a thorough pre - purchase drain inspection done, a drain problem in the near future will have you making expenses you could have avoided. To avoid this, you'll need an exhaustive pre - purchase drain survey, and you'll need Drainage Wiltshire to do it for you. A DVD of our survey accompanies our detailed analysis.

We will also advice you on the approximate cost of the repair of any damage we discover so you can factor it when negotiating for the property. We have done if for residential and commercial clients, on buildings of all sizes, and in both safe and dangerous environments. Call Us And Enjoy Peace Of Mind. You Are Fully Insured Drainage Wiltshire is covered by the best insurance, with the most comprehensive plans. With us, your property is covered just in case something goes wrong.

Contact Drainage Wiltshire now and experience drain survey at its height.

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